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General conditions



These General Conditions and rules of use regulate the relationship between the user or/and legal representative and BOULDER SPACE BCN, SL., during their stay at the facilities and/or during participation in any activity organized by the entity. BOULDER SPACE BCN, SL facilities (MONOBLOC trademark) include:
Boulder zones.
Fitness equipment area and specific training.
Multipurpose room.
Changing rooms.
Common areas.
Terrace and outdoor spaces.

Informed consent.

The user and/or his legal representative acknowledges:
Understand that climbing in the different modalities that can be practiced in MONOBLOC is a sporting activity that is not exempt from risk that, although it can be greatly reduced with proper use of the facility, adopting the appropriate security measures and following these Rules of Use, there are risks inherent to the activity and imponderable.
Have received complete and sufficient information and training on the characteristics of the activity and have read these General Conditions and Rules of Use. Be in adequate physical and mental condition to participate in the activity, and have no illness or physical limitation that prevents them from doing so , or that may be triggered during its development. Know and accept that my participation involves risk to my physical integrity and that of others, which includes, but is not limited to: injuries, illnesses, sensory impairments, loss of body parts, disabilities permanent, or even death. Understand that, due to its geographical location and the conditions in which some of the activities organized by MONOBLOC can be carried out, they may be affected by adverse situations such as weather, natural disasters, political or social instability, and others similar, which could cause damage to the user and their property, or the modification of the activity, the suspension of some of the planned activities or stages, and even the cancellation. Know and accept that the risks of participation in the activity cannot be fully controlled, neither by the user himself nor by MONOBLOC, assuming the possible negative consequences that may arise from the activity provided that MONOBLOC has not acted with due diligence, manifest bad faith or negligence in light of the circumstances. Having been informed and accept that, if I have a health problem, MONOBLOC will give me free on-site assistance, exclusively limited to first aid by non-medical personnel and, if necessary, stabilization until the transfer by the relevant officials to the health center or hospital that consider Emergency Services. This excludes medical equipment, medicines, surgical treatments or others that must be provided by healthcare personnel.
In the event that, under the guardianship of the user, a minor participates, the assumptions and declarations in this document include the minor.

Opening Hours and Access Restrictions.

The MONOBLOC opening hours are included in ANNEX I. MONOBLOC Opening Hours.

Access to the Facilities.

To access the MONOBLOC facilities, registration at the reception is mandatory. MONOBLOC may issue membership cards for its members or authorized users that will identify the authorized holder, the subscription category and the member's customer number. The card is an identifying element of the member, so it must be treated with the pertinent diligence. In the case of loss or theft of the membership card:
The holder must notify MONOBLOC as soon as possible in order to issue a new card and update the user's account.
The holder is responsible for all charges made with the card prior to notification of the loss or theft of the membership card. The substitution or replacement of the membership card has a cost of two euros (€2.00). All membership cards are the property of MONOBLOC and must be returned to MONOBLOC at the end of the subscription. The user declares and guarantees that the personal information and bank details are correct and truthful and undertakes to keep them updated at all times.

Minors and people with disabilities

Minors and the disabled need some prerequisites to access the facility. Minors between the ages of 16 and 18 may only access the MONOBLOC facilities with the express consent of at least one legal representative. Minors under 15 years of age may only access the facility with the express consent of at least one legal representative who must remain in the facility. Minors under 12 years of age may only access the facility with the prior express consent of at least one legal representative who must remain with the minor in the facility. The legal representative accepts that the minor may use the facilities and/or participate in the MONOBLOC activity in accordance with these Terms of Use. Youth activities, summer camps, and youth classes/events/competitions may be subject to age restrictions. And participation in them will be subject to the express consent of at least one legal guardian. MONOBLOC may deny enrollment in activities, entry to the facilities or limit access to minors for reasons of security or inappropriate behavior.

Prices and conditions.

The prices are included in Annex II. Prices. All prices and conditions are available on our website www.monobloc.es and at the facilities. In the event of differences, the latest published version will be binding.

Rental and loan of material.

The conditions of the rental or loan of material by MONOBLOC are included in ANNEX III. Rental and loan of material.

General rules of use.

It is mandatory to register at the reception when entering MONOBLOC and, when leaving, return any rented or borrowed material. Caution, common sense and courtesy must be exercised at all times. Smoking and drug use is prohibited both inside and outside of MONOBLOC. Alcohol may only be sold to persons over 18 years of age and consumed in the designated space of the cafeteria. Entry will be denied to anyone showing any sign of alcohol or drug intoxication. Drinks and food must be consumed in the cafeteria. Access to the interior of the climbing walls, sealed areas, private areas and areas marked as "authorized personnel only" and "entry prohibited" is prohibited. If you need assistance, go to the MONOBLOC staff. Only MONOBLOC staff or persons authorized by MONOBLOC can give classes. Anyone else taking paid classes will be asked to leave MONOBLOC premises and may have their right of entry revoked without compensation. Any problem with the climbing walls, the equipment, the installation or the bad behavior of any user should be brought directly to the attention of the MONOBLOC staff. The signage of good practices, health and safety displayed in the MONOBLOC facilities must be complied with at all times. The user is informed of the existence of a video surveillance circuit throughout the center, except in changing rooms and ticket offices.

Rules of climbing in block or Boulder.

The specific rules for this type of climbing are included in Annex V. Rules for bouldering or bouldering.

Specific rules for groups and courses.

The specific rules applicable to groups and courses are included in Annex VI. Specific rules for groups and courses.

Personal belongings.

Personal belongings and material must be stored only in the lockers or spaces provided for this purpose. MONOBLOC is not responsible for objects that may be lost or stolen in any of the facilities, including parking areas, or in particular, for objects that are deposited in the ticket offices. MONOBLOC recommends users not to bring to the facilities or leave any valuables in the lockers. Items left in the changing room lockers or anywhere else in the facility will remain as lost items for a maximum period of 3 weeks. If it is not claimed by its owner within this period, the management of the center will deliver said objects to a charitable entity. The lockers are for daily use, during the closing process of the facility all the lockers will be opened by the personnel designated for this purpose. In the event that any locker contains personal items, these will be kept for a period of 15 days. If they are not claimed within this period, the management of the center will deliver said objects to a charity.

Notification in case of defect.

The user undertakes to immediately notify the MONOBLOC staff of any deterioration or problem observed in the center. Thus creating a safer environment for users and eliminating potential risks. Failure to notify will entail pertinent legal consequences for negligent action.

Images and Personal Data.

The user and/or his legal representative authorizes MONOBLOC to use his name and image to carry out acts of promotion or dissemination of MONOBLOC. The user may not take videos and photographs in the facilities without the express authorization of MONOBLOC. In accordance with the Organic Law for the Protection of Personal Data 15/1999, user data will be included and processed in a user file. Expressly authorizing your data to be used for the management of the users of the facilities, the activities of MONOBLOC, as well as for the realization of commercial and marketing information campaigns. The interested parties may exercise their right of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition of their data, by writing and providing a photocopy of their ID or identification document, in the terms provided in the Law, to the person responsible for the File.


Failure to comply with these rules will be cause for automatic expulsion from the facilities and definitive withdrawal as a MONOBLOC client without any compensation. MONOBLOC reserves the right to limit or prevent the right of admission to the facilities for reasons of security or inappropriate behavior. 16. Additional Provisions MONOBLOC may modify, develop and update these General Conditions and their annexes. Said changes take effect immediately after their publication in the facilities and web page. In the event of differences, the binding version will be of a later date.

Annex I. MONOBLOC Opening Hours.

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.Sunday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.Holidays to consult.
During special events and competitions, MONOBLOC may not open to the general public, and/or limit access.
MONOBLOC may temporarily limit access to certain areas of the facility for reasonable reasons and circumstances such as teaching classes, competitions, special events, cleaning/maintenance tasks, equipping climbing routes.
These partial limitations do not justify the return of the ticket price.

Annex II. Prices

Subscriptions are not refundable. Tickets and subscriptions must be paid before accessing the facilities. Payments and prepayments for tickets, subscriptions, courses, competitions, events, groups, parties and other cases can be made in cash or by payment card.
MONOBLOC reserves the right to revise the prices and conditions at any time as notified in the facilities and on the website. The application of the conditions in force on the day of registration of any service paid in advance will be maintained for the duration agreed on the date of registration.
Day passes and all types of subscription (monthly, semi-annual, annual) are personal and non-transferable. Day passes are valid only on the day of purchase. The 10-session vouchers are not transferable. Unused sessions are non-refundable.
MONOBLOC reserves the right to deny registration as a member as well as the associated conditions or benefits.
In case of injury, illness or for other reasons of absence, the semester and annual subscriptions can be suspended for a maintenance fee of €9 per person, which must be paid by means of a SEPA direct debit order. The minimum duration of this suspension is one month. To sign up for the maintenance fee, the member must notify it 5 days in advance. Members who have suspended said subscription cannot enjoy the member benefits.
Monthly subscriptions begin on the first day of the month and end on the last day of the month. Unused days are not refundable. Members who contract a new service through a monthly payment, once the month has started, will pay the full part of the month, or in cash or card.
To unsubscribe from any service whose payment is direct debit, they must notify it in writing before the 25th day of the month prior to the cancellation.
Direct debit receipts for monthly payments and maintenance fees will be charged at the beginning of the month. Any bank commission charged due to insufficient funds or rejected/retained receipt will be borne by the user. The Bond is intended for this purpose.

Annex III. Rental and loan of material.

In order to rent material, the rental amount must be delivered. The applicant will be responsible for the rented material, having to replace it in case of deterioration, loss or theft. The return of material must be made before leaving the facilities.

Annex IV. Climbing Rules with Auto-Belays.

To use the facilities designated for climbing with auto-belays using PERFECT DESCENT equipment, it is necessary to pass a safety test and obtain the corresponding accreditation. For this, the MONOBLOC staff will carry out the appropriate checks.

Do not distract users while they are putting on safety equipment (harness, safety carabiner).

Never stand underneath any climber. A safe distance must be maintained from the climbing areas.

For your safety, or if in doubt, do not use any equipment, material, or climbing technique without the supervision of a competent person. You should consult a member of the MONOBLOC staff.

It is mandatory to use liquid chalk to maintain a pleasant environment. Use chalk responsibly.

Basic Rules

  • It is expressly forbidden to climb without an auto-belay above the restriction line.
  • It is forbidden to perform maneuvers at height, such as setting up anchors, rappelling, safe descents, etc.
  • It is mandatory to always use certified and good-condition equipment.
  • Before starting each route, a safety check is mandatory.
  • It is not allowed to hold onto any metal element of the structure.
  • The auto-belay safety carabiner must be attached to the front ring of the harness. At the end of the route, leave the carabiner attached to the starting point, as it was.
  • It is not allowed to wait in the fall line of the auto-belay. This safety space must be respected.
  • It is not allowed to use the tape as a means of progression.
  • During descent, walk backward down the wall. Jumping or swinging during the descent is not allowed.
  • Auto-belays can only be used on the lines where they are installed and cannot be used for nearby routes.
  • If you do not know how to use the auto-belays safely, consult the room staff before using them.

Annex V. Block climbing rules.

Access to the ground floor is not allowed for people under 12 years of age, except for guided activities with an installation technician or under the strict supervision of an adult in charge.
Before climbing, see if you do not bother or interfere with another climber. The use of liquid magnesium is mandatory. It is not allowed to consume food or drinks on the mat surface. Do not leave material on the mat surface such as shoes, clothing, telephones, etc. Do not sit on the mats or under the panels if you are not climbing.As far as possible do not jump from high points, try to climb down, a bad accidental fall can cause injury.Carry and take care of your classmates and roommates .Brush the blocks. We have brushes at your disposal Pay the utmost attention to other climbers and respect other climbers. Do not climb over, under or walk under any climber. Always descend from the blocks with control. Give a verbal warning to alert others on the mat. Blocking with the harness is prohibited.
Annex VI. Specific rules for groups and courses.
Participation in courses (also called activities and classes) requires pre-registration and prepayment and depends on availability. Members will have priority to sign up.
Reservations for individual and group activities offered by MONOBLOC can be canceled free of charge 48 hours before the activity, communicating the cancellation.
Cancellations made without prior notice of 48 hours will not generate the right to a refund. For events, competitions and youth programs, special cancellation rules may be applied, according to the peculiarities of the event. The applicable cancellation rules will be published sufficiently in advance.
MONOBLOC may modify or cancel the courses for duly justified reasons. In case of cancellation by MONOBLOC, the participants will be notified and fully reimbursed except in case of force majeure.


In compliance with the duty of Information established in article 5 of Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data, you are informed that your personal data will be incorporated into an automated file of personal data, which has been created and duly registered. in the Spanish Data Protection Agency, under the responsibility of BOULDER SPACE BCN, SL, in order to maintain the relationship with the user, the management, administration, provision and improvement of the services provided by BOULDER SPACE BCN, SL
The user who provides their personal data gives their express consent to receive advertising and commercial communications from MONOBLOC, in order to inform them of promotions and advertising communications of the services, in compliance with the provisions of Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data. in its Art.6, as well as in Law 34/2002 on Information Services and Electronic Commerce in the terms of its Art 21 for commercial communications made through email or equivalent electronic means of communication.
Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?
The person in charge is BOULDER SPACE BCN, SL

Who is the Data Protection Officer?
It is responsible for ensuring diligent compliance with the personal data protection regulations, you can contact the postal address of BOULDER SPACE BCN, SL or the email address info@monobloc.es

How have we obtained your personal data?
We have obtained your personal data through previous relationships that you have maintained with BOULDER SPACE BCN, SL, either because of your status as a member, because you have signed up for our activities or because you have requested that we send you promotional information about our activities.

What personal data do we process?
Data necessary to maintain the relationship with you:
Name and surname
Email/Telephone/Date of birth/Purchases made
We also inform you that we will treat any additional data that you voluntarily provide us during future relationships and interactions that you maintain with MONOBLOC, including those that you provide us through a social network or other application. These data depend on your own privacy settings, use of the social network or application, as well as the privacy policies of each social network or application, so we recommend that you read them carefully before providing us with data through said social networks or applications.

Why do we process your personal data?
We process the data for the following purposes:
Improve MONOBLOC service
Send information about MONOBLOC via phone, email, even when our relationship has ended, unless the interested party states otherwise.
Invite acts or events organized by MONOBLOC. Satisfaction surveys.
Additionally, we also process your data to send, including by electronic means, promotional communications about activities, campaigns and initiatives of a similar nature to those you have previously participated in.
The interested party may oppose receiving this type of promotional communications, now or at any other time, by sending an email to the email address lasagrera@monobloc.es or by directing a request to our postal address, to the attention of the Data Protection Delegate. Data.


The provisions contained in these conditions of use will be governed and interpreted in accordance with Spanish law.
Unless the law expressly prohibits it, for the resolution of all litigious issues derived from these conditions of use, or related to the non-compliance, interpretation, resolution or validity of any provision of the Website, the parties, by mutual agreement, submit to the jurisdiction and jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Tarragona, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.